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JGC Album Release Concert at Avogadro's Number

  • Avogadro's Number 605 South Mason Street Fort Collins, CO, 80524 United States (map)

Jasper Grooves Collective will be performing at Avogadro's Number in Fort Collins as an official album release concert for their new album Soulful Machine. The album has been 5 years in the making, so it only makes sense that we would assemble to commemorate this auspicious occasion. The concert will feature a diverse range of artists who performed on the album, including a bassoon and a berimbau. Undoubtedly, you won’t find anything like it happening in town on that night. Singular, hard to pin down and full of sonic surprises: it's going to be a night to remember!

Tickets will sell for $15 and will be available on the Avogadro’s website or at the door on the night of the event!